10 Ways to Add Some Adventure to Your Life
Is your life in a rut? Do you admire those people on the National Geographic Channel that are exploring the Amazon? Maybe you’re intrigued by stories of skydiving that your coworkers shared by the watercooler.
Perhaps you’re sick of eating macaroni and cheese every Thursday night. Maybe you’d like to take a new vacation instead of camping down by the river for the 8th year in a row.
You want to experience some adventure!
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Consider these strategies.

Find the time.
While an adventure doesn’t have to take a lot of time, they all require some time. Make a list of how you spend your time each week and look for unproductive or unsatisfying activities that you can sacrifice for a little adventure.
Say “yes” to new activities and people.
When you say “no” your life stays the same. Say “yes” for a change and watch how even a small change like this will open your world up to new experiences and people that can lead to other adventures!
It can be kind of a cliché but when you say “yes” to new things and people, not “yes” to going to the movies or hanging out with your friends for the 100th weekend in a row, changes happen.
Spend a few minutes before bed looking up a new activity you can do this weekend.

Get In Shape.
Not all adventures require you to be fresh from military special forces, however you most likely will have more opportunities or things you could do if you’re in good shape. Just think, it wouldn’t be that easy to walk to the top of a mountain or a waterfall if you’re overweight and out of shape. It could definitely be done, but it might a be a little easier if you’re even slightly in shape.
Save Money.
I think it’s a given to say, but obviously the more money you have, the bigger your adventures can be.
But don’t feel stuck on this fact of ‘you can only have adventures with money’.
Because realistically, you can have plenty of adventures near your home for free. Check out your local parks and discover what kind of hiking trails are near you.
It might even be worth looking into the closest national park to see if you could make a weekend trip out of it.
Bottom line, having more money gives you the ability to have more freedom and opportunities!

Explore Your Interests
This one will be worth a think session.
Grab some good snacks and a pad of paper. Just start writing things down that you’re interested in. No matter how silly or stupid you might think it is. It can be anything.
Maybe you’ve always wanted to do some axe throwing. Or learn how to take stellar professional pictures with your iPhone.
What interests you? Travel? The outdoors? I’ve found the more niche, the better. Because chances are, someone out there has also thought the same thing you have. Think about, are you a daredevil at heart, but maybe you’ve just never had a chance to express it? The best adventures include your interests.

Try a new food.
Have you ever had Vietnamese food? Russian? Indian? Thai?
There are plenty of foods in your grocery store that you’ve never tasted. Check out some recipe websites and find a recipe that looks completely mouthwatering to you. Grab the ingredients and have an adventure at home making a new meal!
Try this out with a partner or friend for even more of a fun filled adventure!
Take The Scenic Route.
We’ve all been guilty of this a time or two. Maybe it was just to avoid an accident or traffic. You likely take either the fastest or easiest route to every destination. Who doesn’t? Try taking the most scenic route for a change, or even just a different route.
It might take a little more time, but you never know what you’ll see or what will happen!
Plan a Trip.
Plan a trip to someplace new. Make your own itinerary (or don’t! Sometimes that’s more fun!) and ensure that you’ll have some adventures along the way.
Road trips can be a great weekend trip if you want to just do a quick 24 or 48 hour adventure. Find some cool destinations in your state and maybe a few milestones along the way!

Talk to a stranger.
This one can be kind of intimidating but each time you leave your house you see dozens, hundreds, even thousands of people you don’t know. Each one has the potential to be an adventure!
Strike up a conversation and pay them a compliment. You’ll be amazed at how this simple interaction can make your day better.
Plus, you never know what connections other people have. You may just have ran into the person who runs a large tour group event in town that can point you to all the fun things!
Do something adventurous at least once a week.
Being more adventurous doesn’t have to be something that only happens during the once-a-year traditional vacation. You can just decide to be adventurous each day of your life. Remember, we all only live once so live the life you want with no regrets!

It’s easy to fall into the rut of living the same day over and over again.
As humans, we love routine. And let’s be honest, it can be hard to break that routine. Because after all, routine is what makes us comfortable and trying new things can make us step outside of that comfort zone! But when you do, you’ll find it’s not that bad. We aren’t really meant to live the same day over and over. Plus, it’s just not very fun.
Your life can be the awe-inspiring adventurous life you want to live without risking your life or your wallet. Just start small and give yourself a fun adventure the next free day you have!
We want to be a part of your journey. We would LOVE to see how you’re getting out on our social media pages. Share what you’ve been doing so others can be inspired too!