20 Ways To Supercharge Your Happiness

20 Ways to Supercharge Your Happiness

Everyone that isn’t happy wishes they were. Those that are already happy would like to be even happier. A life filled with happiness is a worthwhile goal and readily achievable. A life lacking happiness is a constant challenge. Happiness isn’t just about the big things. There are many small items that color your life and subtly add or subtract to it.

Here’s a list of 20 ways to supercharge your happiness to start living your most adventurous life!

Realize that money is great for solving problems, but does little to increase happiness.

Need new tires on your car? Want to make a
career change? Money is a great solution.
However, once you have enough money to meet
your basic needs, happiness is found elsewhere.
More money doesn’t make you happier.

Sleep at least 7 hours each night.

If you think you’re thriving on 5 hours of sleep,
think again. Every study on the topic has shown
that every measured performance metric
improves when sleep is increased to a minimum
of 7 hours.

Give at least one sincere compliment each day.

Focus on the positive in others. You’ll feel better
and receive the same consideration.

Be mindful.

Let go of regret and worry. Your life is
happening right now. You surely don’t want to
miss anything.

Eat a healthy breakfast.

Feel good about yourself by getting the day off
on the right foot. You’ll also be more likely to eat
a healthy lunch.

Spend regular time on a hobby you love.

Work is required for most of us. Hobbies are
optional. Spend part of your free time on
activities you do just for fun.

Be grateful.

You probably have more good things in your life
than you realize. Focus on those good things
and your mood is sure to brighten.

Get out of the house.

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you see and
experience the same things consistently. See
what else is going on in the world.

Find middle ground.

Happiness is rarely found at the extremes. The
middle path is the sweet spot.

Focus on regular improvement instead of perfection.

If being perfect is necessary to feel happy,
you’re doomed to misery. Be happy with small,
consistent improvement.

Try something new.

You probably haven’t read your favorite book,
eaten in your favorite restaurant, or met your
favorite person yet.

Take a 10-minute break each hour.

Not only will you get more done each day, you’ll
have more energy at the end of the day to enjoy

Get things done.

Procrastination is a happiness killer. Consider
how much stress would be removed from your
life if you got the essentials done on time.

Spend time with those you love.

Few things can enhance your happiness more
than spending quality time with those you love.

Say "Yes".

Some of us are too quick to say “no” to any new
opportunity. Make it a point to say yes to new

Say "No".

Avoid agreeing to new obligations too quickly. If
your plate is already full, piling on more
responsibilities and commitments will only sour
your mood.


Even if you don’t feel like it, smile. It’s free and
you’ll feel just a little happier.


Poor choices can create challenging situations.
Before saying something unkind or making a
major purchase, take a moment and calm
yourself first.

Do something you’ve always wanted to do.

Buy a cat or take piano lessons. Learn to speak

Introduce yourself to someone new.

The people in your life have a significant impact
on your happiness. The person you meet today
may become your best friend tomorrow.

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