The Process

Matcha Process

So how exactly is Freedom Tea made?

We’ll focus on Matcha since that’s a biggie.

We’ll give you the quick rundown.

Step 1

The plant Camellia Sinensis is grown under ideal conditions by exclusive generational Organic farmers near Kyoto, Japan.

Organic Matcha Green Tea Leaves
Step 2

Near the end of harvest the plant undergoes a shading process covering the plant with black vinyl sheets to decrease sunlight which increases amino acid production.

Matcha Farm Shade Growing
Step 3

The matcha is harvested by hand between mid-April and mid-May

Matcha Green Tea Leaves
Step 4

The leaves are steamed for around 20 seconds to prevent oxidization. Then passed through a blower to release all water and allow to dry.

Matcha Drying
Step 5

Before the leaves can be ground into fine powder, the leaves must be de-stemmed and de-veined.

Organic Matcha
Step 6

Finally the last step is to grind the Matcha into a fine, smooth powder texture with superior consistency.

Matcha Grinding Process

Which leaves us with the final powder ready for consumption!

Organic Matcha Green Tea
Factory in Texas

The rest of our ingredients are then sourced from our US suppliers to be blended, packed and shipped right in Texas!

Click below for a complete list of our ingredients!

You can also read more about the process in our blog post below!

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